Datasets Description

This IPython Notebook describes the two datasets presented in:

L. Giancardo, A. Sánchez-Ferro, T. Arroyo-Gallego, I. Butterworth, C. S. Mendoza, P. Montero, M. Matarazzo, J. A. Obeso, M. L. Gray & R. San José Estépar. Computer keyboard interaction as an indicator of early Parkinson's disease. Sci. Rep. 6, 34468; doi: 10.1038/srep34468 (2016)

The Early Parkinson's Disease dataset is referred as MIT-CS1PD; the De-Novo Parkinson's Disease dataset is referred as MIT-CS2PD. It also shows how to load timepress data from the datasets.

These datasets have been collected thanks to the financial support by the Comunidad de Madrid, Fundacion Ramon Areces and The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research (grant number 10860). We thank the M + Vision faculty for their guidance in developing this project. We also thank our many clinical collaborators at MGH in Boston, at “12 de Octubre”, Hospital Clinico and Centro Integral en Neurociencias HM CINAC in Madrid for their insightful contributions.

This notebook requires:

  • Python 2.7
  • IPython
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib

PD_MIT-CS1PD dataset

The MIT_CS1PD dataset includes the typing information collected on a population sample of 31 subjects, 13 healthy controls and 18 Parkinson’s disease (PD) sufferers. The subjects were recruited from two movement disorder units in Madrid (Spain) following the institutional protocols approved by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects approval no. 1402006203), Hospital 12 de Octubre, Spain (no. CEIC:14/090) and Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Spain (no. 14/136-E).

Each data file includes the timing information collected during two sessions of typing activity using a standard word processor on a Lenovo G50-70 i3-4005U with 4MB of memory and a 15 inches screen running Manjaro Linux. Subjects were instructed to type as they normally would do at home and they were left free to correct typing mistakes only if they wanted to. The key acquisition software presented a temporal resolution of 3/0.28 (mean/std) milliseconds.

Subjects were asked to visit a movement disorder unit twice to complete the study. Clinical evaluation includes UPDRS and finger tapping tests.

Usage policy

This dataset is free to use for research purposes only. We encourage researchers to try new computational algorithms on these data. Any time MIT_CS1PD is used for publishing or presenting the following publication needs to be referenced

L. Giancardo, A. Sánchez-Ferro, T. Arroyo-Gallego, I. Butterworth, C. S. Mendoza, P. Montero, M. Matarazzo, J. A. Obeso, M. L. Gray & R. San José Estépar. Computer keyboard interaction as an indicator of early Parkinson's disease. Sci. Rep. 6, 34468; doi: 10.1038/srep34468 (2016)

Ground truth loading

The ground truth used to describe motor impairment on each participant. The GT value discriminate the two classes in the sample population (CNT-False and PD-True). The results of the clinical evaluation, UPDRS- III, alternating finger tapping, single key tapping, neuroQWERTY score and typing speed are included in updrs108, afTap, sTap, nqScore, typingSpeed, respectively.

Columns file_1 and file_2 correspond to the first and second repetition

In [49]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nqDataLoader as nq #data loading library
In [68]:
# load ground Ground Truth 
cs1PdFr = pd.read_csv( 'MIT-CS1PD/GT_DataPD_MIT-CS1PD.csv' )
# set Patient ID as index
cs1PdFr = cs1PdFr.set_index('pID')
# show part of Data Frame
gt updrs108 afTap sTap nqScore typingSpeed file_1 file_2
11 True 14.25 NaN 162.25 0.117543 189.372549 1402930351.011_001_014.csv 1403706430.011_003_014.csv
60 False 2.00 NaN 162.25 0.070350 60.533333 1402932300.060_001_014.csv 1403708258.060_003_014.csv
67 True 25.25 NaN 133.75 0.223411 54.333333 1401117235.067_001_014.csv 1401978395.067_003_014.csv
68 False 6.00 NaN 159.00 0.074973 71.800000 1401114972.068_001_014.csv 1401980765.068_003_014.csv
70 True 26.25 NaN 113.50 0.175751 39.614035 1404311419.070_001_014.csv 1404743687.070_003_014.csv

In here it is shown how to load the typing data

In [66]:
# load typing data for patient 60 (first repetition)
# this method automatically filters out meta keys, mouse presses and backspace
keyPressed, htArr, pressArr, releaseArr = \
            nq.getDataFiltHelper( 'MIT-CS1PD/data_MIT-CS1PD/' + cs1PdFr.loc[60]['file_1'])

here we diplay the raw hold time

In [67]:
def plotRawHT(pressArrIn, htArrIn, maxWinID=3):
    winSize = 90
    lblfSize = 24
    plt.plot( pressArrIn, htArrIn, '.' )
    plt.xticks( range( 0,, winSize ) )
#     rmBorder( plt.gca() )
    plt.xlabel( '$t$', fontsize=lblfSize )
    plt.ylabel( 'Hold time, $a[t]$', fontsize=lblfSize )

plotRawHT( pressArr, htArr  )

PD_MIT-CS2PD dataset

The MIT_CS2PD dataset includes the typing information collected on a population sample of 54 subjects, 30 healthy controls and 24 Parkinson’s disease (PD) sufferers. The subjects were recruited from two movement disorder units in Madrid (Spain) following the institutional protocols approved by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects approval no. 1402006203), Hospital 12 de Octubre, Spain (no. CEIC:14/090) and Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Spain (no. 14/136-E).

Each data file includes the timing information collected during a session of typing activity using a standard word processor on a Lenovo G50-70 i3-4005U with 4MB of memory and a 15 inches screen running Manjaro Linux. Subjects were instructed to type as they normally would do at home and they were left free to correct typing mistakes only if they wanted to. The key acquisition software presented a temporal resolution of 3/0.28 (mean/std) milliseconds. Clinical evaluation includes UPDRS and finger tap

Subjects were asked to visit a movement disorder unit once to complete the study. Clinical evaluation includes UPDRS and finger tapping tests.

Usage policy

This dataset is free to use for research purposes only. We encourage researchers to try new computational algorithms on these data. Any time MIT_CS1PD is used for publishing or presenting the following publication needs to be referenced

L. Giancardo, A. Sánchez-Ferro, T. Arroyo-Gallego, I. Butterworth, C. S. Mendoza, P. Montero, M. Matarazzo, J. A. Obeso, M. L. Gray & R. San José Estépar. Computer keyboard interaction as an indicator of early Parkinson's disease. Sci. Rep. 6, 34468; doi: 10.1038/srep34468 (2016)

Ground truth loading

The ground truth used to describe motor impairment on each participant. The GT value discriminate the two classes in the sample population (CNT-False and PD-True). The results of the clinical evaluation, UPDRS- III, alternating finger tapping, single key tapping, neuroQWERTY score and typing speed are included in updrs108, afTap, sTap, nqScore, typingSpeed, respectively.

Columns file_1 and file_2 correspond to the first and second repetition

In [78]:
# load ground Ground Truth 
cs2PdFr = pd.read_csv( 'MIT-CS2PD/GT_DataPD_MIT-CS2PD.csv' )
# set Patient ID as index
cs2PdFr = cs2PdFr.set_index('pID')
# show part of Data Frame
gt updrs108 afTap sTap nqScore typingSpeed file_1
1000 True 27 79.0 184.5 0.107179 56.866667 1424946827.1000_001_014.csv
1001 True 16 96.5 189.0 0.056286 118.000000 1427279751.1001_001_014.csv
1002 False 5 140.0 158.0 0.039519 119.037037 1426676689.1002_001_014.csv
1004 True 22 83.5 191.5 0.034853 74.266667 1429866367.1004_001_014.csv
1005 True 17 68.0 150.0 0.048307 74.969697 1430134526.1005_001_014.csv

In here it is shown how to load the typing data

In [79]:
# load typing data for patient 1000
# this method automatically filters out meta keys, mouse presses and backspace
keyPressed, htArr, pressArr, releaseArr = \
            nq.getDataFiltHelper( 'MIT-CS2PD/data_MIT-CS2PD/' + cs2PdFr.loc[1000]['file_1'])

here we diplay the raw hold time

In [80]:
plotRawHT( pressArr, htArr  )